A Golden Guide to Secure Your Next Job in Singapore

We can all admit that securing full-time/ part-time jobs in Singapore is never easy - the competition is tight. You want to start your job-seeking journey somewhere, but there are no stepping stones to guide you towards your goal. 

Not all hopes are lost, because FastJobs will be helping job-seekers (like you) to clinch the jobs you are looking for in this article. Read on to find out about these useful tips!

1. How Should You Begin?
Think about your career interests. It’s never easy to take the first leap of faith, but we all have to start somewhere. Take some time to really think about your passion and expertise (it doesn’t hurt to pen them down). Shortlisting a few jobs that stand out will help streamline your interests better and then you’re ready to head on to the next step.

For students and fresh graduates, we understand how tough it is to dish out a convincing resume from scratch without any working experiences. One way to easily compile your experiences and skills is to use our Resume Builder that helps job-seekers to seamlessly conquer this task. 

We cannot over-emphasise the importance of a striking resume - scary enough, more than 50% of candidates are automatically turned down by applicant tracking systems, so remember to list down all your past experiences!

2. Wondering What Job Suits you? 
Before heading to apply with your resume finally settled, you need to establish a solid job framework for yourself. How much do I want to get paid? How many work days can I commit? Do I have the suitable expertise to execute the job scope? These are a few questions that you should think about before the actual job hunt.

3. When Am I Ready to Apply?
Once you have the fundamental questions listed above promptly answered - Congratulations! You are ready to start your pursuit. Singapore is blessed with amazing digitalization and great accessibility which aids in online job application. With FastJobs, full-time, part-time, contract and internship job positions can be applied in just 30 seconds.

Download FastJobs’ Mobile App here (Available on AppStorePlayStore)

4. How Important is a Resume?
Before bombarding you with intimidating numbers, we want to emphasise the importance of standing out from your fellow Singaporean job-seekers! To put in perspective, about 250 people will be applying for the same spot, offline and online. Here’s how you can spike up your chances of securing your job.

When it comes to resume-building, being professional and polished is key to getting you hired. Often, an average recruiter requires a mere six seconds to scan resumes before determining the suitability of your applied role. 

That said, where should you begin? For a start, set aside some time to sift out your testimonials, portfolios, employment certificates, education transcripts and other relevant documents. This way, it beefs up your credibility while providing points of contact for your employer.

Find yourself tight on schedule? This is where FastJobs can help! FastJobs’ efficient resume-builder gets your resume settled in just 30 seconds, so you do not have to recreate it from scratch.

Learn to use FastJobs’ Resume Builder Here!

5. What Jobs Should I Apply for?
The final (and widest) stepping stone is to get yourself accepted to the job of choice. The power of applying jobs online helps you sieve through jobs that fits your schedule like a puzzle. You can filter by part-time, full-time and contract jobs, internships and industries - which is what FastJobs is extremely good at.

It’s true that us Singaporeans want the most out of our hard work. Fortunately for students and multi-job working adults, here are Five High-Paying Part-Time Jobs and Gigs that you can tap on for quick earnings. 

Similarly for full-time job-seekers, many industries like Warehousing & Logistics, Sales & Retail and Hospitality/ F&B are actively hiring, so they are great options to consider. Interested to discover more job opportunities? Download FastJobs and find out more!

Download FastJobs’ Mobile App here (Available on AppStore/ PlayStore)

6. Refine your Skill Bank
The wisest step forward now is to venture into these industries and pick up these important skills. This process can take as little as three months to as lengthy as two years, so allocating time to check these off from your to-do list is essential, especially if you are juggling multiple commitments at once.

There are a plethora of job offers waiting for you - all you need to do is take the first step by submitting your application to these companies online. Soon enough, your resume will build up into an impressive wall of experiences.

7. Expand your Network
Unlike your ‘besties’ in school, these connections you make now will potentially help strengthen your employability in the future. Testimonials, Referrals, Investments - these are just some perks of establishing a strong network of like-minded individuals.

Not only will they be your best sidekicks, they family and friends can help put in a good word during the application process, so make full use of all resources on hand!

8. Accept Rejection
One unfortunate truth about applying for jobs is that some gets the bad end. Though it’s natural to feel discouraged, accept rejection as an answer and continue exploring other job sectors!

A strategy to adopt is not to omit too many jobs, instead give yourself a handful of jobs to choose from. A great gauge is to apply for 5-10 jobs per week, equivalent to issuing 2-3 applications per business day. This may seem excessive, but receiving an acceptance email will be a testament to your efforts.

9. In a Nutshell
Ultimately, everyone deserves a chance to earn a stable income and hone one’s skills. However, it takes dedication and hardwork to finally get accepted into a job you always wanted. 

With FastJobs, we make job-seeking much easier and more efficient for you. Download our FastJobs App (Available in AppStore/ PlayStore) and browse through thousands of Full-time/ Part-time/ Contract/ Internship job positions, or simply find out more about the various industries on our platform. Pace yourself, diversify your skill sets and apply for your desired job with FastJobs!

10. We Want to Improve
Found this article useful? Share it with your fellow Full-time/ Part-time job-seekers! Bear these tips in mind and secure jobs with ease. Let us know if we missed out any tips that worked wonderfully for you, we would like to hear them too!